So, at the time which I'm writing this, I'm about to venture off on what the title suggests, a roadtrip (suggestive titles are my forte obviously).
Sharing what is essentially a capsule on wheels for several hours tests friendships to extreme limits, whether it be the varying music tastes, with arguments over listening to Drake or the latest Scooter song (God forbid), the war that ensues over the opened packet of crisps which imploded during said process and left the driver partially blinded, or the classic "shotgun" rule which clearly segregates one member to the cold, harsh environment of the back of the car, unable to listen to the conversation happening in first class ( AKA the front of the car) and mostly loathe their own being until reaching the set out destination.
Despite all the trouble that are presented from breathing the same air as people for a few hours, it's an experience that should be had, because everyone loves to pretend they're as angry as the driver and shout at the old woman doing 25mph in the slow lane!
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